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The olfactory system for smell not only has the biggest and most direct, 4-lane highway to the memory center of your brain. It also has the only direct, 4-lane highway to the emotional center of your brain. That’s the area that controls fear, depression and anxiety. There is a close connection between olfactory stimulation and depression improvement. 

Therefore, it’s not surprising that there’s a close relationship between the amount of olfactory stimulation you have and depression. People who lose their olfactory sense for any number of reasons like age and disease have a greatly increased risk of becoming depressed. 

Moreover, people who become depressed also tend to lose their ability to smell things. People who were born without an olfactory system, a rare neurological problem, are also highly prone to developing depression. You can even get laboratory rats to develop human depression after the removal of a critical part of their olfactory brain. 

The Connection Between Smell and Depression Improvement

man holding his fingers intertwined against his head. man is depressed

Depression improvement and olfactory have a close relationship

After many years of research, we can clearly see that the severity of your olfactory loss predicts the severity of your depression. In addition, the size of your olfactory system predicts the success of treatment for depression. 

We know that reducing olfactory stimulation can increase your risk of depression. And now we know that olfactory enrichment can improve depression in humans. Indeed, such stimulation can even improve depression in people who have Alzheimer’s disease or any other dementia. One such study shows a 325% improvement in depression scores.

Current Depression Improvement Drugs Come With Heavy Side Effects

While antidepressant medications are often not effective for depression, they’re also often accompanied by really significant side effects. That’s why many people can’t use them.  Some experts say that it’s around 50% of all depressed patients who can’t use them because of the side effects, some say 84%.  

But olfactory enrichment (the daily exposure to multiple odors) has no side effects. And it can treat depression successfully without causing metabolic or neurological problems like drugs so often do.

Introducing the Memory Air Device: Amidst these challenges, we’ve created a groundbreaking solution – the Memory Air device. This innovative device taps into the remarkable connection between smell and memory. By releasing carefully formulated scents during sleep, it triggers specific neural pathways associated with memory enhancement. Learn more at